How To Make A Guy Go From Liking You To Loving You

Filed in Love And Relationships by on June 29, 2015

Make a Guy Go From Liking You to Loving YouThe ultimate goal of dating for men may not be marriage, but it seems to be that way for most of us women. In order to get a proposal, we have to be more than that girl he kind of likes. We need to become that girl that’s invading his dreams every night. A girl he couldn’t see himself living without. Men are relatively simple creatures, and they all have a lot of things in common, making it easy to get a guy to go from liking, to loving you…

The Way To His Heart Is His Ego

Men all have this one basic fact in common. They all base themselves on their ego. That’s why they tend to be more ambitious than women. Have you ever noticed how men define themselves by their career? It’s one of the first things they’ll talk about when they meet someone new. A lot of them have worked hard to get to where they are today, and want a certain amount of respect for that.

You can use his ego to your advantage. Simply let him know that you think he’s great. Tell him how wonderful he is at his job, how happy he makes you, and that what he does is important. Men want to feel like superheroes. Compliment him on how strong he is. Let him open jars for you. They also want to know that they’re needed.

Treat Him Like A Prince

This may seem like a backwards step. Feminism discourages us from taking care of our man. There’s nothing wrong with showing your guy that you can be a domestic person who will take care of the things most men aren’t a fan of doing. If you live together, take care of some of the dirtier chores. Cleaning the bathroom’s gross for both sexes, but men view it as something that isn’t their job.

Open Up, But Not Too Much

Establishing a strong emotional connection can’t be done without sharing your feelings, thoughts, and past. However, you do need to be careful about the information you share. Men aren’t looking for a project. Talk to him about your feelings, but make sure he knows you aren’t neurotic.

A great way to open up to a guy is to share a fun childhood memory. This is endearing, and not too intimidating. Sharing a negative childhood memory in an attempt to manipulate a guy into feeling sorry for you always back fires. He wants a confident, emotionally mature woman.

Show Him That You’re Thinking Of Him

Men want their space, but they also want to know that they’re on your mind. A great way to give him plenty of space on the days you two are apart, but still letting him know that he’s on your mind, is to send him a goodnight text. Let him know that you hope he had a good day. Usually, he will send an affectionate text back to you. This may not cause him to fall in love with you right away, but it’s a great start in letting him know that you’re an affectionate person.

Let Him Disagree With You

Arguments are a natural part of any relationship. A man likes a woman that’s strong enough to have her own opinion. You will come off as fake if you try to be too agreeable. However, it’s important to know when to back down. If you can’t come to terms on an argument, let it go. He wants you to be confident, but men are always going to find submissiveness as an attractive quality. At the end of the day, his ego wants to know that he’s right.

Don’t Nag

A lot of girls never get their man to fall in love with them for one reason. They can’t stop nagging. Some of the things we nag men to do could easily be taken care of by ourselves. They want to relax after a hard day at work!

Be Yourself

The most important thing is to be yourself. If you’re pretending to be someone you’re not, you won’t be able to keep it up. Mix in your own personality with the advice given above and you’ll have no problem getting those three, little words said to you!

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