How To Rebuild Your Ex Boyfriend’s Attraction For You

Filed in Get Your Ex Back by on June 1, 2015

How To Rebuild Your Ex Boyfriend’s Attraction For You
If you still have a genuine attraction for your ex-boyfriend, someone that you may have dumped, or a guy that dumped you, there might be a chance for you guys to get back together. Depending on the circumstances of what occurred, and how badly the relationship ended, there is sometimes the possibility of rekindling what was once there.

If this is something that you would like to find out more about, you should be able to discover whether or not it is worth pursuing by using these four simple strategies.

Give Them A Call

If it has been some time since your relationship ended, you might want to give them a call. If they pick up, there is the possibility that they might want to talk to you, but then there also might be an awkward moment where things can get rough. If you broke up with them, the guy is going to want to vent in some cases, and if that is what you get, just hang up and realize it’s over. If he starts talking to you, then you want to move to the next step.

Ask How They Are Doing

If you want to take this a step further, start asking them about how they are feeling, what they have been doing lately, and if everything is okay. This might be a bad question to ask if, during the breakup they were crying and begging you to take them back, but it also might open up a door, so to speak, allowing them to come back in. It could backfire as well, if there are still hard feelings, and this might cause them to yell and also hang up. But if you can get past this stage, you need to go to the next step in order to rebuild their attraction for you.

Tell Them You Miss Them

This is probably the most important thing to do, the pivotal point in this whole process. If they decide to meet with you, go out to get something to eat, or they tell you that they miss you back, there is definitely something there. If there is no response, or if they start to get angry and upset, telling you how you should have never dumped them, or if they’re very quiet, and they are the one that dumped you, then there’s probably no hope at all. But if there is a response, and they say they would like to see you, you move on to the final step.

Go Out On A Date

Although this will not be like the first time that you went out because of all the baggage that will exist, it’s a good way to simply determine whether or not you want to do this. You might remember things about this person that really bothered you, and it might reinforce why you two are not together. But if you do see something different, perhaps a change in their personality, it might be worth trying one more time. Going through this process is the only way that you will ever know if there is something there, and if your ex-boyfriend does want to get back with you, if it flows as smoothly as depicted, you might end up back together again.

How to Rebuild Your Ex Boyfriend’s Attraction For You

From that point on, you can start to rebuild their attraction for you by using simple strategies. Laugh at the things that they say, talk to them about what is interesting to them, and always make eye contact when they are speaking. This will show that you are interested, and that you really want to be with them, and then there might be a physical relationship as well. All of these things can rebuild that attraction that used to be there between you and your ex-boyfriend, hopefully leading to your relationship being repaired…

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