A Short Guide To Making Your Ex-Girlfriend Miss You

Filed in Get Your Ex Back by on June 1, 2016

Making Your Ex-Girlfriend Miss You

Breakups are never easy. No matter how contentious, drawn out, and generally awful a relationship is, it’s impossible to look back on it as anything but completely perfect after it’s over.

It’s something that most individuals just can’t help doing. People can be rational, logical, and very much a realist in every other facet of their life, but still find themselves missing their significant other once the break up is actually finalized.

With all the pain and sadness an individual feels after their relationship has ended, it’s easy to see why many peoples’ thoughts immediately turn to vengeance. It simply doesn’t seem fair that one person is going through so much emotional turmoil, while the other person shrugs it off easily.

This is a dangerous way to think. The reality is that both parties suffer after a break up, and the carefree image your ex projects is most likely nothing more than an illusion. To dedicate yourself to getting emotional revenge on someone who has hurt you is not healthy, and fixating on that kind of negativity can often just make everything worse. In trying to hurt your ex, you damage your own mental state.

If you want to make your ex-girlfriend miss you and your relationship without taxing yourself, your best bet is to work on positive things. Instead of trying to harm others, improve yourself. In order to get started, here are a few ways for you to remind your ex-girlfriend of the best parts of your character and time spent together.

1. Work on Yourself

The first order of business is to find something constructive to focus on. Pick up a hobby, or apply yourself harder at work. As long as you are pouring time and effort into an area of interest, you can prevent yourself from falling into melancholy while simultaneously making yourself more attractive. And the best thing about really getting into a new interest is that oftentimes, it’ll genuinely make you happy. This way, you’ll be feeling fine even if your girlfriend is gone for good.

2. Be Friendly

If the break up was amicable, try to maintain a friendly relationship with your ex. Stay on speaking terms, and try to genuinely be a friend. You’ll be surprised at how much she might tell you about herself. These types of intimate conversations are the perfect way to strengthen and reforge your emotional relationship with her.

3. Give it Time

The period immediately following a break up is the hardest part to get through. Everything might seem miserable and like a dead end without the safety of your relationship to fall back on. During this period of time, many people are compelled by their emotional fluctuations to make bad decisions and say things that cannot be taken back.

As hard as it is, the best way to get a second chance is to allow a bit of time to pass. This will wipe the slate clean, allowing the two members of a relationship to start talking again without emotional baggage and anger. This is the best way to set the scene for a second try.

4. Project Happiness

Nothing is more attractive on a person than confidence and positivity. In order to make yourself more appealing, make a conscious effort to be happy. This is good for your own mental health, and has the bonus side effect of improving how you look in your ex-girlfriend’s eyes.

5. Never Speak Negatively

It is also important to never be negative. It’s hard not to dwell on the drama and nasty things that may have occurred during a break up, but concentrating to much on these things will only make you feel worse. Negativity also makes people seem petty and small minded, the sore loser through and through.

6. Don’t Fixate on it

Finally, the most important advice when it comes to trying to rekindle a dead relationship is never to focus too much on it. The reality is that there’s no guarantee that the relationship will ever be repaired, and that’s not a bad thing. The world is full of people and prospective relationships, and there’s no knowing whether you’ve already met the perfect person for you.

Fixating on a relationship that no longer exists also makes you seem a little crazy. Chances are that your ex-girlfriend will move on at some point, and constantly pestering her for attention is unhealthy and can get you into some serious legal trouble.

Essentially, the best way to get an ex-girlfriend to miss you is to not try at all. By putting your effort into being happy and improving yourself, you make yourself more appealing to everyone around you. This also ensures that even if you don’t get back together, you’ll be able to move on and be satisfied.

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