5 Tips for Reigniting The Spark In Your Marriage

Filed in Marriage And Divorce by on October 6, 2015

Reigniting The Spark In Your MarriageIf you’ve been having troubles with your marriage lately, then you’re certainly not the only one. It’s a sad fact to contemplate, but up to 50% of all marriages end in divorce. However, if you’re an optimist, this will make you realize that half of all marriages work out fine, and most people run into difficulties at one time or another – so it’s a perfectly natural situation to find yourself in.

If you’re focused on doing all you can to fix or repair a failing marriage, then this guide was written with you in mind. Specifically, you’re going to learn several tips that can help you to re-ignite that spark and make you both think differently about your marriage. So with this in mind, let’s take a look at the tips.

Tip 1 – Don’t panic

One of the worst things you can do when you hit a rocky patch in your marriage is to panic. If you’ve just had a big disagreement, it’s important to sleep on it and give each other time to breathe – rather than immediately jump to thoughts of separation and divorce.

Many new couples forget that disagreement at times is natural, and it doesn’t mean the relationship has to end. Ultimately, it’s best to stay calm and see how things pan out, rather than letting panic and anxiety drive your decision making process for you.

Tip 2 – Try to forgive

If you’ve been having significant problems in your marriage lately, then perhaps you feel like there’s someone at ‘fault’ or someone who should ‘take the blame’. While this is a natural human tendency, it’s better to focus on letting go and forgiving if you want the marriage to last.

Of course, if someone has truly violated your values in some way, then this doesn’t mean you shouldn’t consider other options if you really want to. But before it comes to this, think long and hard about the significance of the problem. Is it likely to still bother you in 6 months time?

If the answer is no, then there’s a good chance you can focus on letting go and forgiving rather than trying to argue and assign blame.

Tip 3 – Communicate

It’s an old clich?, but it’s certainly true. Communicating with your significant other is crucial for overcoming problems together and developing a stronger relationship as a result. Many problems will begin with misunderstandings and failure to properly communicate with each other.

When this happens, don’t be surprised if arguments and disagreements break out! However, much of this can be avoided if you both make an effort to communicate your thoughts and feelings without ‘attacking’ each other.

Tip 4 – Take responsibility

If you think you’ve been acting as a poor partner recently, then it’s important to own up to the fact and do your best to take responsibility. If you find yourself constantly blaming your partner, try to see how you may be contributing to the situation as well.

Of course, this doesn’t mean you should blame yourself for all the problems! But in the heat of the moment, it’s often all too easy to see how other people are at fault, while absolving ourselves from all responsibility to the situation.

Tip 5 – Spend more time together

With our busy, modern, and often hectic lifestyles – it can often become difficult to spend quality time together. When all of your interactions with your partner revolve around taking the trash out, picking up the kids from school, or worrying about money, then it’s easy to feel a lot of stress and negativity about your partner.

To stop this build up of tension and anxiety from occurring, try to schedule a date night once a month, or even once a week. This should be a time where you can forget about all your worries for a few hours and spend some quality time together.

You’d be shocked to discover how many marriages can be saved simply by spending quality, enjoyable time together. Often, those old feelings of love and admiration for each other soon come flooding back.


Overall, it can be a difficult time in life when you’re having marriage troubles. But with some care and consideration for each other, it’s possible to rescue most situations. While you shouldn’t let your boundaries be compromised, it’s often best to forgive your partner and move on in life together, with a newly restored intimacy.

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