Why Would A Man Leave A Woman He Loves?

Filed in Love And Relationships by on December 19, 2015

why man leave a woman

You may be shocked or even stunned to learn that there are plenty of men out there that have left a woman they actually loved. You’re probably wondering, why would someone in their sane mind do that? If you love someone, wouldn’t you want to be with them forever? In a perfect world, where everyone was perfect without faults, no one would leave a loved one or even contemplate it.

But, the reality of everyday living and the experiences we gather seem to say otherwise.

Love is many sided, and sometimes, it’s quite possible to push a relationship to its limits and simply force it to the point where it no longer makes sense to stay together. After all, we have all loved and lost, haven’t we? It’s important to point out that this doesn’t mean that women are horrible and impossible to live with, and more often than not, even if there was love in a relationship, it takes two to break up.

Seeking Pleasure To Avoid Pain

The problem is that when things get tough in a relationship, many men decide to leave as it simply isn’t worth it to them to communicate with a woman that’s freaking out. No one wants to get hurt, and the moment a woman is expressing feelings in regards to things she doesn’t like about her partner, it can spell out an ugly future lurking in the shadows.

If a relationship turns volatile and it consists mostly of arguments and pointing out flaws, it may reach a point where it’s beyond preservation. The sad truth is that a good portion of broken relationships could’ve been fixed with reasonable communication, but very few are willing or emotionally able to pull that off.

A Foresight Into The Murky Future

Yet another reason a man may leave a woman he loves is simply because he can’t imagine a potential future. The relationship they have may be perfect for the here and now, but what about years from now? Men often gauge on how well women react to little things in order to potentially keep themselves from getting hurt in the near future.

Who would’ve thought that there’s such a thing as fool proofing your future? Apparently, many men still suffer from the belief that it’s completely possible, and in order to get hurt potentially years in the future, it’s easier to end the relationship before it progresses too far.

Dwindling Attraction To The Woman

Whenever a man is in a relationship, it’s important that he has a deep level of connection and feels attracted to the woman he’s actually with. Unfortunately, for some men, the novelty of the relationship lessens over time, and as problems pile up, he may decide the easiest way is the way out. In fact, it has been said plenty of times that men are often finding that the fault is within themselves when they’re no longer attracted to their partner.

Smart men go seek help or figure out ways they can fix what’s broken. Of course, at this point, the relationship may become all work and no play, therefore, hardly worth salvaging with the way things are headed.

A Woman Can Become Needy

The problem with relationships, and this is true for both sides of the equation, is that if a woman puts too much work in it and neglects everything else, she may come across as needy. For example, skipping out on friends, avoiding family, and ditching hobbies is a solid way of destroying who you are. A woman that ends up doing this may spend a lot of time with her partner, but it can also end up destroying the relationship.

Men start to assume that a woman that has nothing better to do than hang out with him all of the time is simply becoming too codependent. There are certain cases, well most really, that it becomes too unattractive for the relationship to continue. Therefore, even if the man loved the woman he was with, he may still end up leaving her.

Too Much Fixing Going On

Women by nature want to fix what’s wrong with a man, and though in some ways this can be empowering, it can also end the relationship quite quickly. Men are willing to change, it’s true, but only if they see the end result and are motivated. Basically, a man needs to agree that there’s something wrong with him in order to consider changing his outlook and behavioral patterns for the near future.

As you can see, love is not simple, and when there are two people involved, there are a lot of emotions to take into consideration. You can love someone to pieces, but if they simply make the relationship seem like work, leaving may seem to be the only option.

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